Genomics Research
Ref Based Genome Sequencing
Genome resequencing or reference based genome sequencing is a advanced method that is used for the indentification of variation analysis, such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), Deletion & Insertion analysis (InDel), Copy Number Variation (CNV) anlaysis, and structural variation analysis, using already-known reference genomes. The variation information obtained by resequencing is further used to discover genes related to various diseases and to conduct advandced research in Animal, Plant, Human & Microbial sciences. At Novelgene use Illumina NovaSeq 6000, HiSeqXten, MiSeq and other technologies for this research.
denovo Genome Sequencing
De novo sequencing is typically accomplished by assembling individual sequence reads into longer contiguous sequences (contigs) or correctly ordered contigs (scaffolds) in the absence of a reference sequence. A complete and accurate genome sequence is essential to the genomics study of new species and the investigation of complex structural genomic changes in wild relatives compared to published cultivar genome sequences. With de novo sequencing, the first genome map for a species is generated, providing a valuable reference sequence for phylogenetic studies, analysis of species diversity, mapping of specific traits and genetic markers, and other genomics research. At Novelgene we use various third and fourth generation technologies like PacBio Sequel, Oxford Nanopore, HiC, 10x Genomics & Optical mapping for genome assembly and finishing.